Thursday, October 5, 2017

Nature of "Reality"

In the recent years much more information has come up about the nature of reality as our own projection.
So here are my thoughts about what we think and do affects everything. The problem with me (any individual) making my own reality has a "bit"of a problem when it collides with someone else's, who is going to make the decision? So i divided the "projection" in two parts, consciousness and subconsciousness. The subconsciousness is common and connected, like a big operating system. Consciousness is like a unique application on this OS, our individuality, beliefs and choices write on this every day. Since they are connected consciousness makes the contributions to the big subconsciousness as well.
So are there any rules that we can follow to better the reality? I think the commandments given to Moses are a good start. Each religion or faith comes with a value system that if followed will bring the good.
So i will try to see if there is a correlation between being good and improved reality. In the individual level how those closest to us have the most impact in our emotional and physical well-being,  and how "sin" or in particular lies affect us. I will also looks at the gabarits of history to see if any correlation exists between reality on a time period and the value system practiced by majority of the people during that time.
So there are two big commandments love God, and "do to others as you would have them". With the model i am thinking it makes sense God is the big regulator where our subconsciousness resides and all of us are One and connected in the subconsciousness thing. However we can still throw  everything off with lies.
I don't think there is any remedy for lies, in the sense that they are very destructive to reality both the virtual realm of subconsciousness and ultimately appearing in the reality with destructive force. On the individual level the message spread to the others "application level" is very different from one's action what is written in the subconsciousness "OS" level. Integrating these "errors" when many lie the damage to the subconsciousness will rise and manifest.

ok, to be edited later

Sunday, October 1, 2017

A new begining

The little blog from the past. Time goes by fast!