Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Second look on Love

Well there goes a second look on love.
What is love. I found it . I think it captures all kinds of love. Initially we get love to find or confirm our selves. Then we get love to find what’s missing and then we get the love that completes us best. I am submitting it for peer review. Is universal, love is keeping the promise of making complete joining on behalf of God.
As always I will expand later, or come back in a year :-)

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Some years back a question came to my mind. How much am I worth? Insurance companies will probably convert me to some sort of thing. So a second question came to my mind, to whom? First step, how much am I worth to myself? I can experience everything in my life through it. Taste the food; breathe the air, Interact with close ones and strangers. Go to work or for a vacation in a faraway place. Clearly to myself I am worth the whole world. I run my evaluation again and found that my math should not change for the others I am still worth the whole world to everyone. That brought me to the obvious conclusion
Everyone is worth exactly the whole world. How can that be?
After this I came across ideas that I actually make my own life, literally. The double slit experiment proves it scientifically, (what the bleep do we know).
What the bleep do we know, 14 parts
C.G. Jung – Approaching the subconscious 12 min mark
Then I learned about Jung, methodically and analytically identifies part of the process. (Approaching the subconscious) mark 12 on the video I had to repeat couple times. And then listen to Allan Watts (especially “who really was Jesus Christ” for the context here).  Alan Watts: Who Really Was Jesus Christ
How everything happens in this world

My understanding of all these was that each person literally makes the whole world. There is infinite dough and we can make and bake any cookie we like. Is hard to deal with “I made all my troubles myself “, the other one is how does it work.
During the day I put control systems together, so I need to integrate devices together.  Is my second nature to find all the possible uses. I heard about blockchain and thought it was not useful for machine control, but I guess was still thinking what can be used for. Back in February was election time in Ontario, and I thought blockchain will be perfect to replace part of the government. There will be no election needed each virtual action comment, facebook, purchase, comment, etc, etc will automatically decide not only the vote but also the policy needed. And then it hit me:
Blockchain is the model reality is being weaved every day from seven billion people.  Each one of us has a copy of the whole world.
It fits so well is scary, messages from all religions all wrapped up in that one sentence.  Kind of afraid in the beginning but really it does not change anything. Just makes the following very real.
“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Love as the ultimate cheat

There is much stuff about love out there, books, novels, poems, songs, movies, paintings, sculptures, forums, chats, offline online.

Premise is I will get something for nothing, i guess i will articulate later.

What can I say we love our customers, well this love is true.