Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Full moon



When the moon is located directly opposite the sun, we have a full moon. During the night all the rays of the sun are reflected back to earth from where we can see the full bright circle. There are countless examples of the effect of this phenomenon on the life and on the planet. We can find some possible physical explanations but what about the symbolic one, is there an explanation? I couldn’t find a satisfying one so; here is mine.

If we were looking for the light of the sun during the night then the moon acts as a modulating control device. This controller will give us 100% of the function it executes on a full moon. All the other days there will be some sort of filtering, inspection, checking and not everything can be allowed through, some of the light can and some of the light cannot pass through. Let’s look at the moon as a sign for a gatekeeper, inspector the regulator of some sort of traffic. The light enables everything to be seen, our actions, our work, our whereabouts. And during the time of light, of day we reach out to our psyche and act the things that we want to be seen, witnessed and accepted. And when this happens, we can verify and accept our own actions as successful, we have found a witness and place a checkmark back to our psyche, we are done. Whether there is a someone or not the light will make our action visible the light will be the witness. When our expectations are not meet, when we find ourselves disappointed with our actions or the feedback from others, when we find that we cannot accept others actions then we have to place all this into our psyche and add a new page, a new chapter, a new book that needs an answer. We are unable to rectify this information we carry. As we interact with reality this thing, we carry becomes our grievance to reality, the challenge to the world. Unable or unwilling to display it as we know it will not be accepted in our reality. How to fix this difference that we find between ourselves and the world? Where can we appeal?

The light comes once in 29.5 days on the dark side and this is the moment when all and that means 100% of the cases are accepted. All needed is to give a shape, a form a sound to the hidden issue and present it, to the moon. Some feel the rare occasion and rush to act it but that will be a wasted effort. Acting will be taking control of the situation ourselves and miss the opportunity to submit, to let go of the burden. Let in go is not to let go in vacuum, let in go is to trust that the truth will happen, beneficial to us or not the truth will happen we will not hoard, we cannot impede and stand in the way.  Universe is
open for business and all grievances are accepted, trust and present.

The lone wolf made the way up to the rock, he could see his only friend clearly. Without the pack there was no one to witness his successes no one to help in the time of need, but now he could tell it all and he spoke to the moon with his long howl. OWWoooooo  😊