Saturday, September 25, 2021

Enter Aquarius



Astrologically we are entering the age of Aquarius, entering a time of enlightenment and better understanding. I found this on Google 😊, one of the first hits, that summarize it well:

"For eons the power has rested in traditional, oppressive hierarchical structures, and their beliefs dictated our reality," says Sesay. "[In the Age of Aquarius,] the power is turning over to the individual, and giving the freedom for you to choose your own reality based on what aligns with your soul."

I find a problem with this saying no one is, just giving away anything, it never has it never will. However, it might be correct if there is no turning over the power, if the power you seek it is already there with you. And all you have to do is unlock it, recognize it, claim it and keep what’s in you. 

On the previous two posts I defined; Reality is comprised from two parts Real and Imaginary, with their matching definitions, and Life is a bridge between Real and the Imaginary. The evolution being the most significant supporting fact of the second, the better the bridge the more abundant the life. Now we need to take a look at the mechanism of life.

Our human heritage displayed on all religions and beliefs, from the millennia of existence, has one common thread; the fabric of reality, our world, is based on absolute truth. Lately another perspective came along we call it scientific and it makes sense to use this method because it is something we know for sure, something we can repeat, something we can then utilize. This perspective agreed and was founded on this very belief, the fabric of reality is absolute truth.  And it matched up with all existence and movement of matter, we find the responsible law and then all can be explained. However, when focus was then shifted to use science to explain and predict life, the success from studying matter started to wane off.  So, what can the science do? Surrender to superstition and betray its own principles, there is no need we need to find the corresponding law and then all will be explained. Matter is at the center of all, we just need to integrate all the forces as they happen to all the involved particles and voila, will find the answer. And all this work has given us nothing and it will give us nothing, because science made an assumption and forgot something. Maybe by discarding the Imaginary science abandoned its own principles?

While science is fantastic in dealing with matter. To understand life, we need something more and that something is the feminine, the anima. Feminine is the key to decipher the chaos seemingly behaviour of life, and maybe further. This knowledge looks like was acquired before in the ancient times, but hidden in myth can not be grasped in a clearly defined and conscious form anymore. We can witness through our very existence that life is a result of the masculine and the feminine, but how to define these two components? In our inheritance we have the symbolism of the masculine being the sun and the feminine being the moon. Let’s look at the light in earth through these symbols, during the day the light will be everywhere and shine on everything, during the night only the light reflected by the moon will come to earth. So here is a proposition, masculine is the flow from Imaginary to the Real and feminine the flow from the Real to the Imaginary. Everything that happens in the Real must be reported back to Imaginary and for safety (tampering) reasons this function must be unconscious. The main interest for the masculine, the animus, will be to decipher ideas and build them into form, the main interest for the feminine, the anima, is to observe, evaluate the form, the matter and convey the idea to the Imaginary. Feminine, or anima, or what I call the verification function is the higher function as it is the one who should “know” the truth and closes the loop. What is reported and is verified can continue to exist what is not will perish.

A shamanic practice will use some obscenity to render one semiconscious and hijack the anima function, however this looks like a small trick when we look at the scale of what marketing or politics do. Meditation and prayer are good examples of how we consciously use the anima function. I will go ahead and apply this theory on many of the aspects of life and that will be controversial and also very dangerous, if without responsibility for one own action. But in the current situation, I think necessary.

While it fits very well with the various social phenomena and the data available (as the “proof”), This is just a theory and lots of work is needed to turn it into a discovery, I do believe that this is the direction we need to look and the door we should open. When we enter there will be a sign:


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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

A huge misunderstanding

Some time ago around the middle of the 19th century a paper was written on the origin of the species from natural selection. As more evidence was discovered, the picture of how life appeared started to take shape and arrive in the current form. We know it now with the name; evolution. The story begins with the universe coming to be around 14 billion years ago from big bang. Then life started around 3.8 billion years ago on earth as a bacterium of sorts. These single cell organisms evolved and evolved for 3 billion years to finally create a multicell organism, 0.9 billion years ago. A basic form of sexual reproduction appears. At this point evolution seems to accelerate the pace, 0.5 billion years ago some sort of animal appears and at around 200 million years ago the first mammals walk the earth. A bipedal creature starts walking 4 million years ago and then the first resemblance of a human 100 thousand years ago. Agriculture and civilization start 12 thousand years ago and then; the latest news is the writing of these thoughts 😊.

Looking at the timeline something becomes very clear, the more we advance on the evolution timeline the more it accelerates. Initially the organism is very simple and yet it takes a really long time to evolve, when the organism changes even a little bit, then we can expect that further progress to a more complex form from random events should take more time?  If we are to believe that the matter recombines itself, then the support is not there. We should have still been worms? Consider this example for illustration; we are gambling and we are using only one dice, it takes 3 billion years to win, then another dice is added for the game to continue now we win in 0.5 billion years and when we win again another dice is added and so on.  And the more dice are added the faster we win, really? Maybe my example has some mistake, let’s consider another comparison. The cell is represented by a brick once we have the brick available it takes much faster to build a house, … hmm by randomly throwing it without aiming. That does not work either. Once the organism evolves the chances for change increase, the more chances the more time should take.

The problem we have is with the assumption of randomness that is not supported by the facts. If only the brick had a brain, hey maybe that’s it. There’s got to be a smart function within the organism and as it evolves that function evolves as well. It seems that increasing the number of possible options increases the possible chances of winning in this game, accelerates the evolution progress. Also, we note the evolution is not deterministic towards some specific choice, no. It goes like, I want to be a yellow flower, yes you are rewarded, I want to be a red flower, yes you are rewarded, I want to be a fish in the see, yes you are rewarded, I want to fly up in the sky, yes you are rewarded, I want to run in the land, yes, yes, yes you are rewarded.  

So, evolution is pro choice, but it has to be a good choice and this is another discussion. Now we still need to figure out something; evolution? Yes absolutely, but what did evolve? To say that is an evolution of matter, is a mathematical sophism, a fallacy.

The current explanation is the driving mechanism is by natural selection via survival of the fittest. Let’s take a close look of this logic; first there is a choice being made by the organism or animal, most likely from the circumstance, environment this choice results in advantage and the advantage corelates with longer existence, survival. The choice was not made for survival the reward for the choice was the survival. Let’s take an example we have a dog and would like to teach the dog a trick, when the dog does the trick, we reward with a treat. The treat was not to reward the treat, the treat was a reward for the trick. If the dog could talk, I think he would say that tricks are the motivator for more reward.

Remains only one supported answer, at the root of the evolution is a thinking mechanism, the psyche.  And this has a huge implication especially with the evolutionary psychology. In a nutshell the current narrative says humans (at the top of evolution) are animals with a bag of tricks we collected trying to stay alive. And with animal what it is meant is mainly; a material arrangement without any imaginary capacity.

Survival of the fittest does not explain the multitude of life or the need for progress of a particular species. And in particular the presence of the imaginary at the top, the advanced species should be with quick reflexes to adapt rather than being distinct by a cumbersome ability of dreaming and dreaming without any fruits 😊

Now let’s consider psyche as the real evolutionary subject, the ability to “think” and make a choice evolved.  This other approach is to take the myth and the imaginary as part of the reality from the beginning. Then we could apply a comparing or matching function, there is a map of sorts. Everything that we are told and given as a fact about the evolutionary theory of the natural selection can be used directly and applied as evolution of the species through exercise of choice, augmentation of the psyche. One makes a choice or another and it creates, materializes or it destroys, disappears; this is evolution, not the other way around. If we take the imaginary as a part of the reality how to understand the evolution then?

Let me give a modern metaphor, in the beginning we had a telephone landline and used it for internet connection we could get email, then it got better we could see pictures. Then the connection improved to DSL and now we can listen to music, the connection improved even more with cable and fibre and now we can see movies, play games and all sort of things. As the connection becomes better so does the appearance and functionality, proportionally this is the relation we see between the imaginary and the evolution. Now let’s consider the evolution of the imaginary, as I defined on the other post, it is the driver of evolution. Now the definition of all life becomes very clear and simple.

Life, is communication with another realm.

Stay tuned, share and follow


Sunday, September 12, 2021

The arrogance of science and gullibility of religion

The arrogance of science and gullibility of religion

We arrived to live in a conflicting time, especially at a time like this an opinion will get you a lot of attention. It is actually welcomed and almost requested. On the other hand, if you have a theory and it happens to be a theory for everything, then one should be able to provide an answer, or at the very least an approximate direction.

However, for the “requested” opinion to count with the climate, it needs to be a direct answer, it needs to say “do this now!” or “I am on this side”. Without an understanding; why are we here? What does the current predicament mean? To feed that crave because is a time of crisis, without knowing. That kind of answer is not the best approach.

To make sense, I have to explain a concept I have. I have to start my story with a discussion on the metaphor of Science and Religion. We find these two words in the same sentence usually to provide contrast, as some sort of opposites. What is the conflict?

To further highlight the difference, I called Science and Religion, metaphors. At the very root of the schism, we find not the acceptance or refusal of God, No. It is the perspective of reality, the fundamental understanding of how things come to be. More specifically the role of the imaginary. What is the role of the imaginary on our life, on this world? Does it really play any part on the outer reality?

I would like to describe this imaginary I am talking about, and come to some sort of definition, so we are on the same page. Imaginary is everything that does not “touch” any thing real. We do have our contemporary understanding of real, everything made by matter. So, once we apply these criteria, let’s check what remains outside. It should be easy to define the imaginary in this context. In a nutshell it has to do with our thinking, the cerebral functions or what we simply call “brain activity”.  We can divide this activity in two parts as conscious and unconscious activity. The unconscious part we can easily put it in the imaginary side, it is something we are not even aware, so how it can be connected to the outside matter? The conscious part is something we are aware and as such we have two choices to communicate it to the outer world, speak, write, draw, etch in stone, email, text, type etc. or not. The part that we send out to the world as soon as it “touches” the matter it is not imaginary anymore, it becomes real. While on the other hand the conscious thoughts we choose to keep or are unable to convey, remains still with the imaginary. So imaginary is something that is not real and cannot “touch” or even casually associate with anything real. I shrinked the realm of imaginary, further to the normal understanding (of that google search definition), to exclude legends, myths, education all that can be related with the real part. We are really talking about something that does not exist on the material plane, not even a trace.

While the contemporary scientific understanding is in agreement that it does not take any space or material the next question remains, does the imaginary serve any function? What is the role of the imaginary, as we defined it above, in relation to the real? The scientific approach will be to observe, build knowledge through systemic study and form testable explanations. Scientific method it is usually only applied to learn about the physical and natural world, but we can still use it and maybe it can help us with the imaginary as well. Let’s look at the role of the imaginary when we learn something, or observe anything in the natural world. The purpose of the observation, the initial step, is to create meaning in the personal imaginary space. Before anything can transpire or happen, it is within the imaginary that correlation with the real is created and this has to have meaning (awareness that leads to conscious). This personal meaning is the very root of science and it can only reside in the imaginary. It is this meaning that we can then transfer to the real world and materialize in the physical and natural world. This is not a game of words or an opinion of sorts, it is this exact process being repeated over and over everyday, from all. It is the scientists who find the correlation first and then the science it is applied by the myriad of professionals on different fields. What sets these people apart, what does education achieve? It would have been great if we could read something and know it and apply it just like that, but we know that’s not how it works. We have to create our own meaning for ourselves, once we get the information from the book, image, sound, email or text, we need to transfer it into our own imaginary space, only then it will mean something, only then it can be of use. The process of learning is not that easy, the betterment of the imaginary is what makes the professional, the lawyer, the doctor, the engineer, the technician, the tradesperson (really everyone), but especially the scientist. He relies on this imaginary, the understanding of theory.  However, it is very difficult to make this distinguishment this separation, because the imaginary is taken for granted because it does not exist. The imaginary gets called imagination and fantasy and written off. It is not the imagination and fantasy that I am trying to separate and recognize. The meaning is this imaginary, is the one we use everyday from the morning to the evening to work and then again and again through every second of our life. I would like to compare the imaginary with a “blueprint”. The blueprint analogy works well with the process we use everyday, there is an existing object in the outer physical and natural and we draw the blueprint into our imaginary, once we have this blueprint we can recognize and navigate the world.

So far so good, but Reality is dynamic and everchanging if there is any thing that is a constant, well that is change. Should we accept that everything is already built in the physical and natural world? While we never stop working, making changes, building and destroying, while nature never stops and the world still keeps turning?  If we look at the work of applying science, an engineer or architect, it is clear that the blueprint comes first and it is important to follow the blueprint to get the desired results. What about the imaginary “blueprint”, is that an only one-way street? From the physical and natural world to our imaginary blueprint. Nevertheless, for science to deny that the “imaginary blueprint” does not matter, it does not exist when it is the building block of its own structure and the main goal of the activity is to discover and enlarge this imaginary blueprint. That one can be summarized as; being disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance, and that’s the definition of arrogance.

I did not talk about religion or spirituality yet, (you can use any name) but the view can be reduced to; some external imaginary comes first. Let’s illustrate this viewpoint with our blueprint analogy. It will be the same to say, as once a house is built, I will add a window by drawing lines in a blueprint. This will sound gullible almost silly. Maybe the words I am using are not customary for this type of discussion but I believe that the imaginary being a “blueprint” and the real the actual object is a good analogy and I will expand on another post. I will need this analogy later to offer my opinion, as I said on the beginning.

But for now, I would like to conclude my thoughts. Let’s take a look at known topics and find another dispute of science and religion. While the root it is the view of the imaginary there is another topic that will get more attention. The answer to the question; What are we? What is human?

Science makes a clear stand on this. We are just another animal with a bag of tricks collected through time, the evolution. It goes further to say we are organic robots with the matter being primary and the sole ingredient, there is nothing else. In order to prove this ended up chasing the rabbit and looking at the smallest particle of matter if we understand what makes those tick, we can just sum them up generally speaking and we can explain everything from our thoughts to the stars in the sky. A gigantic amount of work but plausible. However, for the very smallest appearance of matter to exist, science found that it needs …. Get ready for this; the imaginary!? They have been doing the double slit experiment for 100 years now and the result it is still the same, without the imaginary there is no matter.

The religion on the other hand says we are specially created with a design like no other. While that feels good, we do function just like animals. If God created us, where can we find it? How come we are suffering? We still need an answer to the question, what makes us human?

In trying to understand the perspective of science and religion on the imaginary, it is clear that we have this additional function of getting information out from the imaginary into the real through various means speaking, writing, art, electronic gadgets and then we do the same the other way around with the same means from the real into our imaginary again, and the cycle never ends.

What is the very first thing that pierces from the imaginary realm breaks through and materialize into the real? What really lays at the boundary? Looks like all starts with a dig into our imaginary and as soon as we awake some awareness, we find a meaning and are able through consciousness to formulate a thought, clear enough to send vibrations and bring it to matter, materialize. At the beginning we find: “The Word”.