Tuesday, September 21, 2021

A huge misunderstanding

Some time ago around the middle of the 19th century a paper was written on the origin of the species from natural selection. As more evidence was discovered, the picture of how life appeared started to take shape and arrive in the current form. We know it now with the name; evolution. The story begins with the universe coming to be around 14 billion years ago from big bang. Then life started around 3.8 billion years ago on earth as a bacterium of sorts. These single cell organisms evolved and evolved for 3 billion years to finally create a multicell organism, 0.9 billion years ago. A basic form of sexual reproduction appears. At this point evolution seems to accelerate the pace, 0.5 billion years ago some sort of animal appears and at around 200 million years ago the first mammals walk the earth. A bipedal creature starts walking 4 million years ago and then the first resemblance of a human 100 thousand years ago. Agriculture and civilization start 12 thousand years ago and then; the latest news is the writing of these thoughts 😊.

Looking at the timeline something becomes very clear, the more we advance on the evolution timeline the more it accelerates. Initially the organism is very simple and yet it takes a really long time to evolve, when the organism changes even a little bit, then we can expect that further progress to a more complex form from random events should take more time?  If we are to believe that the matter recombines itself, then the support is not there. We should have still been worms? Consider this example for illustration; we are gambling and we are using only one dice, it takes 3 billion years to win, then another dice is added for the game to continue now we win in 0.5 billion years and when we win again another dice is added and so on.  And the more dice are added the faster we win, really? Maybe my example has some mistake, let’s consider another comparison. The cell is represented by a brick once we have the brick available it takes much faster to build a house, … hmm by randomly throwing it without aiming. That does not work either. Once the organism evolves the chances for change increase, the more chances the more time should take.

The problem we have is with the assumption of randomness that is not supported by the facts. If only the brick had a brain, hey maybe that’s it. There’s got to be a smart function within the organism and as it evolves that function evolves as well. It seems that increasing the number of possible options increases the possible chances of winning in this game, accelerates the evolution progress. Also, we note the evolution is not deterministic towards some specific choice, no. It goes like, I want to be a yellow flower, yes you are rewarded, I want to be a red flower, yes you are rewarded, I want to be a fish in the see, yes you are rewarded, I want to fly up in the sky, yes you are rewarded, I want to run in the land, yes, yes, yes you are rewarded.  

So, evolution is pro choice, but it has to be a good choice and this is another discussion. Now we still need to figure out something; evolution? Yes absolutely, but what did evolve? To say that is an evolution of matter, is a mathematical sophism, a fallacy.

The current explanation is the driving mechanism is by natural selection via survival of the fittest. Let’s take a close look of this logic; first there is a choice being made by the organism or animal, most likely from the circumstance, environment this choice results in advantage and the advantage corelates with longer existence, survival. The choice was not made for survival the reward for the choice was the survival. Let’s take an example we have a dog and would like to teach the dog a trick, when the dog does the trick, we reward with a treat. The treat was not to reward the treat, the treat was a reward for the trick. If the dog could talk, I think he would say that tricks are the motivator for more reward.

Remains only one supported answer, at the root of the evolution is a thinking mechanism, the psyche.  And this has a huge implication especially with the evolutionary psychology. In a nutshell the current narrative says humans (at the top of evolution) are animals with a bag of tricks we collected trying to stay alive. And with animal what it is meant is mainly; a material arrangement without any imaginary capacity.

Survival of the fittest does not explain the multitude of life or the need for progress of a particular species. And in particular the presence of the imaginary at the top, the advanced species should be with quick reflexes to adapt rather than being distinct by a cumbersome ability of dreaming and dreaming without any fruits 😊

Now let’s consider psyche as the real evolutionary subject, the ability to “think” and make a choice evolved.  This other approach is to take the myth and the imaginary as part of the reality from the beginning. Then we could apply a comparing or matching function, there is a map of sorts. Everything that we are told and given as a fact about the evolutionary theory of the natural selection can be used directly and applied as evolution of the species through exercise of choice, augmentation of the psyche. One makes a choice or another and it creates, materializes or it destroys, disappears; this is evolution, not the other way around. If we take the imaginary as a part of the reality how to understand the evolution then?

Let me give a modern metaphor, in the beginning we had a telephone landline and used it for internet connection we could get email, then it got better we could see pictures. Then the connection improved to DSL and now we can listen to music, the connection improved even more with cable and fibre and now we can see movies, play games and all sort of things. As the connection becomes better so does the appearance and functionality, proportionally this is the relation we see between the imaginary and the evolution. Now let’s consider the evolution of the imaginary, as I defined on the other post, it is the driver of evolution. Now the definition of all life becomes very clear and simple.

Life, is communication with another realm.

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