Saturday, September 25, 2021

Enter Aquarius



Astrologically we are entering the age of Aquarius, entering a time of enlightenment and better understanding. I found this on Google 😊, one of the first hits, that summarize it well:

"For eons the power has rested in traditional, oppressive hierarchical structures, and their beliefs dictated our reality," says Sesay. "[In the Age of Aquarius,] the power is turning over to the individual, and giving the freedom for you to choose your own reality based on what aligns with your soul."

I find a problem with this saying no one is, just giving away anything, it never has it never will. However, it might be correct if there is no turning over the power, if the power you seek it is already there with you. And all you have to do is unlock it, recognize it, claim it and keep what’s in you. 

On the previous two posts I defined; Reality is comprised from two parts Real and Imaginary, with their matching definitions, and Life is a bridge between Real and the Imaginary. The evolution being the most significant supporting fact of the second, the better the bridge the more abundant the life. Now we need to take a look at the mechanism of life.

Our human heritage displayed on all religions and beliefs, from the millennia of existence, has one common thread; the fabric of reality, our world, is based on absolute truth. Lately another perspective came along we call it scientific and it makes sense to use this method because it is something we know for sure, something we can repeat, something we can then utilize. This perspective agreed and was founded on this very belief, the fabric of reality is absolute truth.  And it matched up with all existence and movement of matter, we find the responsible law and then all can be explained. However, when focus was then shifted to use science to explain and predict life, the success from studying matter started to wane off.  So, what can the science do? Surrender to superstition and betray its own principles, there is no need we need to find the corresponding law and then all will be explained. Matter is at the center of all, we just need to integrate all the forces as they happen to all the involved particles and voila, will find the answer. And all this work has given us nothing and it will give us nothing, because science made an assumption and forgot something. Maybe by discarding the Imaginary science abandoned its own principles?

While science is fantastic in dealing with matter. To understand life, we need something more and that something is the feminine, the anima. Feminine is the key to decipher the chaos seemingly behaviour of life, and maybe further. This knowledge looks like was acquired before in the ancient times, but hidden in myth can not be grasped in a clearly defined and conscious form anymore. We can witness through our very existence that life is a result of the masculine and the feminine, but how to define these two components? In our inheritance we have the symbolism of the masculine being the sun and the feminine being the moon. Let’s look at the light in earth through these symbols, during the day the light will be everywhere and shine on everything, during the night only the light reflected by the moon will come to earth. So here is a proposition, masculine is the flow from Imaginary to the Real and feminine the flow from the Real to the Imaginary. Everything that happens in the Real must be reported back to Imaginary and for safety (tampering) reasons this function must be unconscious. The main interest for the masculine, the animus, will be to decipher ideas and build them into form, the main interest for the feminine, the anima, is to observe, evaluate the form, the matter and convey the idea to the Imaginary. Feminine, or anima, or what I call the verification function is the higher function as it is the one who should “know” the truth and closes the loop. What is reported and is verified can continue to exist what is not will perish.

A shamanic practice will use some obscenity to render one semiconscious and hijack the anima function, however this looks like a small trick when we look at the scale of what marketing or politics do. Meditation and prayer are good examples of how we consciously use the anima function. I will go ahead and apply this theory on many of the aspects of life and that will be controversial and also very dangerous, if without responsibility for one own action. But in the current situation, I think necessary.

While it fits very well with the various social phenomena and the data available (as the “proof”), This is just a theory and lots of work is needed to turn it into a discovery, I do believe that this is the direction we need to look and the door we should open. When we enter there will be a sign:


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