Friday, November 19, 2021

The first Postulate



Once upon a time, there was a time of darkness and lasted for 1000 years. At some time before this period a wrong turn was made and we got stuck in the dead end of delusion, fog, stillness and madness. All we could do as a sign of life was move the limbs from the inertia pushing from the centuries and hold onto the inherited pieces of knowledge imprinted in the everyday patterns without a meaning, hoping for a miracle of fitting the puzzles of life blindfolded with ignorance and confident with naivety. It bears the name of the dark ages. In the search for answers to understand their predicament people looked inside their inheritance, to history when it was better and the beautiful arose to live with us, what was different then? They needed to look outside of the contemporary narrative, that one was hacked, so they checked deeper, further back to the Greeks and the Romans decoding the stories, paintings and the sculptures and they found … nothing, they were not able to understand the missing piece of the message that which was hidden on plain sight the one you could feel so clearly but not catch or formulate.

A fresh perspective arrived on the nature of matter; it came from an unlikely place one that was so different from the narrative. It made the way in with a special promise, if one developed the right understanding and put in the work, offered endless gold. It was the magic. Was this a case of desperation and the magic beans? Actually, many tried, and tried, and tried and in due time it did work, this work achieved riches beyond any imagination, riches that changed the way of life for whole mankind.

This new way of thinking came about from the collision of a very rigid dogma with wild imagination. While the work to “make” the gold was chugging along there was also the matter of articulating, describing “this”, developing the reason “why” to the others. The effort started again looking at history for the reasons why it should work, they checked far and wide through all the human reasoning from further back the Egyptians and Hindus, the very beginning all the history. They said all knowledge, for all, came from the same source long ago, and as such all knowledge was considered, it was accepted was welcome. And something new was born a different view for the beautiful, a different perspective for life. And in this amazing time of rebirth the beautiful started to appear again. And then magic was approved and accepted within our realm. As we can expect the magic was too much to deal with, too scary so they just took a little piece of it and locked in a box. What was this magic? What is in this magic? Truth happens on the physical world, always! This little phrase is the magic and we called it science.  Even though framed with fictional limits it changed the world. As we progressed in building with science, we thought we know everything, the more successful the application become the more ambitious our aim. We were convinced, now we know everything and we can explain everything, we just need to go deeper in the box down to the elementary particles, there is the answer. And the silliness to explain the outside of the box by going deeper inside the box has become the highest level of science. Let’s take the magic that science “locked up” and free it from the box so it can continue to build the world.

The answer is in you and you are the answer. I wake up in the morning and see the sunlight, feel the warmth, smell the coffee and the experience is an affirmation to me, the owner of this experience, and I accept it. I go out in the world and interact with family and friends’ other people and listen and experience the interaction and when it is supportive, enriching. The positive feedback from outside to my life is a sign that I am in the truth. But there are other times when is hard to open the eyes because of the darkness, the cold, the stench and this is a warning to me, the owner of this experience. I go out in the world and there are no interactions but rejections. The negative feedback from outside is telling me this cannot be the truth, how to accept this kind of truth? Then the contract of my life is drawn from the beginning of my life, and there it is my first breath, my first heartbeat as the signature. I accept it from the beginning. And I am told to let go, let go of the challenge. Because it is the truth. This is a fundamental condition to our existence, it does not mean that; we deserve it or intended everything that is happening, no this means that with our actions and our lack of knowledge (for the impact) we built the reality that we live in, we made it. I need to keep (or be used for) the balance of the whole, so the ship can keep going. Did I play my role or allowed the ship to go astray by moving aside?

If we are to take a single step towards knowledge, we must accept that Truth happens, always! I call this the first Postulate and is more than a common-sense statement it is an undeniable condition of human existence. What will you say if you took a look at your life? Do you have the courage to look? Can you find the words? Did we let the river go upstream?

There is a little nudge to consider all the facts.

“Yet they could easily reach agreement if only they dropped the word “physical.” “Physical” is not the only criterion of truth: there are also psychic truths which can neither be explained nor proved nor contested in any physical way. If, for instance, a general belief existed that the river Rhine had at one time flowed backwards from its mouth to its source, then this belief would in itself be a fact even though such an assertion, physically understood, would be deemed utterly incredible. Beliefs of this kind are psychic facts which cannot be contested and need no proof.”

Carl Jung, Collected Works, Vol 11 [553]