Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Animus and The Anima
Power of the CROSS
Warning: With more knowledge there is more power and inadvertently more risk. My hope is that the information shared will be used first, foremost and only for one to understand and develop the self. The use for blame and undue profit will ultimately fail!
We know that the construct we inhabit is devised into Reality and the Imaginary, all that exists is here. We concluded in my other post to call it The Conscious and The Unconscious. Both exist, humanity has separate fields and has been studying them for a long time. One would be covered by science and the other by spirituality. Jung’s theory of the psyche is in the forefront of the second.
Jung found that the basic element (the person) has a duality at the center of it. He called them The Animus and The Anima. Defining these features and the interaction between them reveals the very nature of life. Duality is at the center. Mostly this is understood as the union of the opposites, but this is not the case. Functionally they are complementary. Rather than going into long descriptions of abstract concepts this will be better understood if we complete a functional analysis of the roles they play.  The common understanding of the role and some help from the age old (approved) symbolism will be sufficient to get the idea.
The Animus a Latin word originally used to describe life, mind, mental powers, courage and desire, Jung used it to define the masculine part in all people.  Traditionally the action is here, hunting, gathering, fighting, working, building and turning matter into things. Sometimes is described as the primary function, not based on importance but order. This function will happen first; this is the start, the trigger. The action of beginning something, this is “Initiation”. This is easy to grasp as it happens in The Conscious part of the construct. What happens with the result or fruit of the “Initiation”? On my previous post we determined The Unconscious at the very least as a placeholder were we place and retrieve information. By virtue of existing the result of initiation exists now on The Unconscious.
The Anima a Latin word originally used to describe breath, soul, spirit or vital force, Jung used it to describe the feminine part in all people. Traditionally this role is passive described as gentleness, empathy, sensitivity, caring, sweetness, compassion, tolerance, nurturance and caring. The action in here is that of receiving, accepting, examining or concluding of something, a secondary role in order to that that now exists. Symbolically the Anima is represented by the Moon, only the light captured by the Moon will be reflected back and exist to be seen. Similarly the “Initiation” will get a feedback from The Unconscious on the validity of the existence. The action of validating the state of being, this is “Verification”. Both parts are needed for anything to exist.
All that exists in the Conscious must have valid verification in the Unconscious.  Seems like experience and recent studies correlate with this model with many practical applications.
With this model we can define:
Self – as the verified part of the Person in the Unconscious
Ego – as the part seeking to maximize all that could be verified
More to come on the next post, other variables that need to be considered.