Monday, June 10, 2019

The GOOD .. continued

To discuss, anything really, you need words. And the definition that the word carries to each person is very important to complete that task. Even more so, on a philosophical discussion where words used are broad or generic and often very abstract.
The concept of “Good” is of particular importance to be defined. Furthermore in a Jung-ian fashion the symbolic meaning or power that the word carries needs to be discovered. The symbolic meaning is actually a universal definition across cultures and time.
So with the task clear ahead, is time to see what resources we have to do this job. The first thing will be the dictionary; some have very lengthy picks like the Merriam-Webster. I am picking the one from more concise. More of the same
adjective, bet·ter, best.
morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious:a good man.
satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree:a good teacher; good health.
of high quality; excellent.
profit or advantage; worth; benefit:
What good will that do? We shall work for the common good.
excellence or merit; kindness: to do good.
(used as an expression of approval or satisfaction):Good! Now we can all go home.

As an adjective we don’t get much, as the synonyms given suggest; better, best. Good denotes a classification without any base reference. All we can do is move down to the noun. Here the common understanding is actually given, it is: benefit, profit or advantage. Also the use as an adjective clears up, as the classification attribute belongs to a more beneficial or profitable option. The interjection is another illustration of the beneficial, advantage e.t.c.
And while this is all “Good”, here is where our philosophical problem starts. To keep it short, if the definition for “Good” is profit and advantage how can we explain greed, theft or cheating (and other things) as being bad? After all they will fit well the definition for profit and advantage. So trying to define where the benefit, profit or advantage goes and including that in the definition might be an option. The benefit can be personal or communal, where the communal can be family, group, team, city, country or fully global. The first option personal benefit brings us back to the same problem, grid and such. The common good does not fare any better, all the totalitarian regimes claim this very definition of “Good” when; well kill a lot of people.
So what is “Good” then? It is time to maybe look at the word in a spiritual way. What if the benefit goes to God? Without a definition for God, we can’t have a definition for Good. Also if the Good is a benefit for God it will contradict many of the uses of the word “Good”. Nevertheless the early use of “Good” might be helpful. The story starts with God calling the light, the earth (land and seas) and all that lives in there as GOOD.
What are the features of these things? The light is inextinguishable; we see the light of the stars that originated even millions years ago. The land and the water recycle in itself. And life on earth is as vibrant as the day that it started. Maybe we can look at the meaning of Good in terms of purpose. If Good is beneficial and advantageous for what purpose?
Good is something that lasts forever. Then the primary definition for Good is: to sustain, to further and to last. All the other mentioned meanings in the beginning are applicable, but are secondary and derivative of the primary one. Another description for Good will be the perpetuum mobile, infinity or symbolically depicted the uroboros .