Monday, June 10, 2019


Reality!.. , is it magic?

What is our surrounding? How does it work? This is one of the quests philosophy has gone after for centuries. What do we have so far? Wikipedia:
Reality is the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent, as opposed to that which is merely imaginary.”
What is meant by real and existent are the ground, the trees, the water, the goods made, buildings, roads, cars, this computer you get the idea. These are things that we can touch or in a broader sense experience through our conscience. Not only we can experience these things and be aware of them we can also build this powerful entity called science to investigate all this (Wikipedia’s Reality) in detail, design and build with assurance of the outcome.
However the very definition above becomes mute because, the imaginary is real and is existent. I don’t want to play word games I understand what is meant, the imaginary does not exist in a solid form or identified separately one’s conscience.  We cannot identify the imaginary takes place unless the person’s conscience (imaginary holder) gets involved to tell us about it. We note on the above definition of Reality is that of exclusion, reality is not all that exist but all minus a part of it. According to the very rules that science uses to operate this is wrong. We cannot exclude (especially when we don’t understand) the need is to observe everything to achieve some result.
As the science progresses the definition used above and science itself, hits a wall. The double slit experiment proves over and over that the imaginary, one person’s presence affects the real world. It is not my intent to make this complicated.  So I will skip it for now.
One scientist named Carl Gustav Jung made the right decision to not discard anything. He studied dreams. Dreams must take place somewhere; let’s consider that it is only someone’s mind. As loose and broad as it is, it is a better example as everyone will relate. In contrast to the conscious in the dream we are kind of out, can’t measure, predict or control beforehand. To note this we can call it the unconscious. Using the dream example is easy to illustrate that from the unconscious we can take information back to the conscious. We can speak, write or draw about the dream. Also there is information in the unconscious about the real world that surrounds us. Whether was there or we placed it is not important now. We can all agree that:
The Unconscious is part of the construct that surrounds us where we can place and retrieve information from the Conscious.
Spirituality from the beginning makes the case that unconscious is part of reality and has a correlation with the physical world. Jung made meticulous observation’s on this direction, now there is a full branch on the medical field based on the understanding that at least there is a correlation between unconscious and personal well being.
Is there any correlation between the Unconscious and Reality as defined above? That will answer many of the questions on this group. On the next two posts I will show with simple words this correlation and how life works. I understand the previous phrase J