Monday, August 24, 2020

Creation, the fall and the myth of Dragon

 In the beginning there was a pretty lady. Noop it actually started with the man, but then literally it got so boring and a woman was needed. Original story seems to come from as early as anyone can remember. There are various myths throughout the time and from separate cultures that describe symbolically a similar narrative as the story of Adam, Eve and an apple. I am going to look at this particular myth of the “fall”. I am also going to tell you why. 
The present understanding is that the myth presence on the collegial imaginary repository holds some symbolical clue in need to be decoded, because that has affected the way of life, this still holds true. But can we look a bit deeper why? Why we need the myths and why to look at the ones that become popular or stick out.   There are some assumptions we make, we make them every day in our life and we operate by them. 
First the popular contest whether is a myth or a song, or a post, or election we decide the validity with the popularity it gets. Another secondary assumption is based on how successful are the ones telling the story. 
Both this assumptions come from the same big one that, we know what we doing. Not exactly I phrased that wrong.  We don’t exactly “know”, we actually know that when we feel right is based on something that is correct and are drawn to understand it. Please be patient with me I will get back to the pretty lady.
So since the story has persisted staying in the imagination while interacting with the feelings of many people, then the validity of the myth is already completed. We need to understand it, and possibly articulate the reason.  
The story tells about a place where everything is good. You can see my other post about “good”. So there is an environment, sounds different from what we know.  There is someone called God that made the man and called him Adam, made him in his likeness; provides food and board literally gave the world to him and Adam does not have to do anything. But there is the possibility that Adam can be just like God. Wouldn’t that be a glorious day for God? There is a tree, the tree of knowledge and the fruit could make one know the good and the evil. However no matter if this is just an apple or a really special magic fruit. It will never work; it will never work if Adam does not take initiative. How can you become a real God following orders, reading instructions?  But Adam does not get it, he is just living the life, you know. So then help is needed and help arrives. Her name is Eve and she is beautiful all the expressions on her face, the curves on the body, the smoothness of skin, the gracious movement, the smile, the laugh and cheerful sounds. And just in case Adam does not notice, let’s remove something from him so functionally he will need and desire the woman. He will like to impress her take initiative and become God, for sure he will. No sir, no luck in heaven today, hey just living the life man. But Eve understood and had to do something, enough with the drama she gave the apple to Adam. Great news, now officially Adam is equal to God. 
So God comes to meet Adam, finally the day he has expected is here. Adam took the initiative and now he knows, he understands. He will be grateful to God for all he has received and will say thank you, he is responsible and in charge of his action. What will Adam do next? The future will be amazing. 
Not really, that must be another story; this Adam first blames Eve and then blames God.  The words were, I followed orders man I always do. Now Adam is a God and a Follower? There is a rift a rupture on the very fabric of “good” the action of what took place is different from the meaning of what is being spoken. Can two versions exist, that can’t be possible? Adam the coward, Adam the ungrateful. For the first time the very existence is at stake in heaven.
 So the eyes are on Eve what will she say, will she side with God or Adam? She starts speaking , the snake she says…
What? THE WHAT!? What is going on? There was no snake. There was never a snake. Let’s calm down and see what is going on and what Eve just did. She took all her man’s actions, and thoughts, and cowardice and the ungratefulness the total sum worth of wickedness and gave it a shape gave it a form and stuff it all in, she also put inside her own knowledge, the initiative and why not all the flaming rage of the occasion.  But she stood by her man. She did make something out of Adam, Adam plus the dragon is equal to a God. Look God I fixed it. She did her job, maybe lied a bit, no she has the faculties and made her first creation and saved heaven. Well poor Eve you fixed it, you deal with him, hmm them.
So Eve saved the heaven, saved her man and saved the day. There is no other creature on earth that is so constant in myth; the myth of the dragon is ubiquitous throughout time and cultures. One could say is part of our psyche, is a part of the man. 
Until this Man and Dragon thing is being solved the heaven and the earth must stay separated and the myth of slaying the dragon is born. Man will find the courage and bravery and make it up to the woman for his cowardice and find his true self. Woman will be truthful and will not make any more ”inventions”. Now the myth’s put the woman in distress, sleep or very secluded not taking any chances, probably the story was added by man, otherwise she will go way with the dragon. Eventually both man and woman will learn to choose the good and the journey is over no more separation from heaven.  
 So the myth in simple words says, we are separated from God, man needs to be brave woman must be truthful for the transformation that started with the apple to end. 
In terms of the functionality of the feminine the effect that it has on reality myth gives us some clues. Role of the feminine is crucial and after that all pieces fall down like domino's. Until next time.