Monday, August 31, 2020

The Sun and the Moon


The GOOD continued

What is the one assumption we all make? To start and find this answer I looked at the meaning of GOOD. There is a deeper meaning that we all have below what the vocabulary can tell us, and beyond the connotation we assign. This is the symbolic meaning the one we feel but most likely do not know. So the exploration I am heading to is by definition to the unknown. To write and especially read about this it requires attention, an open mind, it requires honesty with one self because after all, we just don’t know.

I made the case that the real root of GOOD is infinity, or we can say GOOD is the permanent. This is what we really mean when we say GOOD, is actually a comparison, a valuation of everything being looked at against time, the quality in longevity. I want to look at another important association we make with GOOD.

There are people that we consider more advanced in life, lawyers, doctors, managers, engineers, academics, etc., we call them professionals, initially they learn about the subject in school get a public recognition and we expect a result that is assured. Some others prove their abilities with work through results we all accept and they get recognized. What is setting them apart? Why do they hold this position? Most should agree that is knowledge. We can identify this knowledge as something that resides in their imagination. But instead of opening a discussion topic where it resides, I would like to know what is the function, the impact that this knowledge has towards this recognition? And that is something we can all agree on. It is making choices on their subject matter. We except them to make the better choice than most, the GOOD choice. We pay them; they make their living by doing this. The easier role to illustrate and understand these choices is probably the engineer. He would say he applies the laws of nature to build things. Where do these laws reside? Where is gravity? Well is everywhere, everywhere out there. Where is electricity? Well out there everywhere. If we look more carefully this is the case always no matter the profession, or work or labor, on every single action we do. And this is the case also on everything we do in life.  We need to find the best choice based on some external information. I believe that this is a universal agreement whether is a spiritual, religious or scientific point of view; choice of our actions is based on the knowledge of something external we acquire. And there is something out there that ultimately can explain all, prisca theologia, theory of everything, the absolute truth. In essence GOOD is not something we have or we make, GOOD is external. We have operated under this assumption for all our existence and every action we do today we continue to believe it.

Creation and the myth of Dragon

The present understanding is that the continuous presence of myth on the collegial imaginary repository holds some symbolical clue in need to be decoded, there has been some sort of understanding penciled in throughout the time and that has affected the way of life. This still holds true. But can we look a bit deeper, is there another reason why? A reason as relevant today as it was when the myth was created, a reason that has not changed or understood. And the myths that are more popular or stick out will have a better clue.   There are some assumptions we make, we make them every day in our life and we operate by them.

First the popular contest whether is a myth or a song, or a post, or election we decide the validity with the popularity it gets. Another secondary assumption is based on how successful are the ones telling the story.

Both this assumptions come from another the same big unspoken understanding; we know what we are doing. Not exactly I phrased that wrong.  We don’t exactly “know”, we actually know that when we feel right is based on something that is correct and are drawn to it, to understand or act upon.

So there are universal myths the ones that transcend cultures, time and places. One is that of creation and another one that of the dragon. One talks about our origins and the symbolic there is very clear, there is a separation. So there is another place. The other one talk’s about the job, our purpose here. Myth of the dragon seems to fit well being the sequel to that of creation. And this one is clear too man must be brave and the women must accept this action of the man.

The sun, the moon and the secret of life (hidden in plain sight)

Life is an act of creation. We associate life with growth something knows how to replicate itself to be alive. So there are two component’s involved the built in knowledge, the imaginary part and the conversion of this knowledge to form, the matter.

When considering conscious life this becomes apparent, everything we do is an act of creation. But there is an addition; we can create outside of ourselves at will. What does this mean? The imaginary side kicks in and starts the process to use the faculties to make something new and this imaginary part is imbued in thing. The meaning that existed on the imaginary has taken form in matter. Man the brave, the creator, champion of the world, the sun. Animus function. I say only man because he is in the forefront of this activity, and rightfully so.  Out of this activity all of this new creation comes with an expiry date and also an association to the GOOD. There is a relation between the expiry date and the GOOD. The more knowledge we have the better the creation will be. What are we actually doing? What does this mean? We are literally matching, matching the matter with this knowledge. We matching it to something external we discovering and to something that resides outside. We receive information from this outside and create accordingly and the better we do it the more we learn. However if we are actually matching then creating it here is only half the work, what we made must be checked. Information about what was created needs to be send back and be compared to the original information. The confirmation, the verification, the reflection, the moon.  The Anima function.

While not as obvious as the first this operation requires a higher level of choosing and consequently a higher level of “knowing”. Anima is the higher function as it closes the loop to the source